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RTD Temperature Transmitter

The transmitter is a low cost ‘SMART” in head transmitter that accepts PT100 temperature sensors and converts sensor output over a configured range to a standard industrial (4-20) mA transmission signal.

TheTS203P is our entry level Pt100 RTD temperature transmitter. It converts the sensor output to a standard industrial 4 to 20 mA analog signal. The temperature range can be set by simulating a temperature at the low and high end of scale required, and pushing the button to output 4 mA at the low end, and 20 mA at the high end. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to connect the product to a computer to carry out this function.


  • Suitable for Pt100 RTD Sensors
  • Push Button Configuration
  • LED Over-range indication
  • Push Button Sensor Matching