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Isotech High Temperature Dry Block

Model Available:

  • Jupiter  (Temperature range: 35°C to 660°C), 35 x 148mm
  • Gemini (Temperature range: 35°C to 700°C), 64 x 160mm
  • Medusa (Temperature range: 30°C to 700°C), 45 x 285mm
  • Pegasus (Temperature range: 150°C to 1200°C), 33.5 x 130mm


    Ideal for the calibration of thermocouples and platinum resistance thermometers. They have been designed for fast heating, fast cooling and for added flexibility, surface sensor. 

    Isotech’s High Temperature Block Bath range offer industry leading performance in easy to use packages ideal for the calibration of thermocouples and platinum resistance thermometers. They have been designed for fast heating, fast cooling and for added flexibility, surface sensor. Infrared thermometer
    accessories can also be added.

    Our Block Baths feature the Isotech plug-in, dual display, controllers which are exceptionally easy to use with a clear user interface and are supplied with Windows software, Computer Interface and a Ramp to Set Point Feature as standard. The controller features multi-point block to display correction giving excellent absolute accuracy.

    Isotech block baths and ISOCAL-6 models are available in Basic, Site and ADVANCED models. In addition
    to the digital temperature controller of the Basic the Site includes an independent single channel indicator.
    The ADVACNED model has inputs for three thermometers and includes advanced logging, high resolution
    and other extended features.

    Model Available:

    • Jupiter  (Temperature range: 35°C to 660°C), 35 x 148mm
    • Gemini (Temperature range: 35°C to 700°C), 64 x 160mm
    • Medusa (Temperature range: 30°C to 700°C), 45 x 285mm
    • Pegasus (Temperature range: 150°C to 1200°C), 33.5 x 130mm


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